If there is anything that I have just begun to grasp this semester. It is James 4:14. As the days turn to weeks, the weeks to months, and the months to semesters, I am challenged to not only to make my life on this earth count, but to also make my life at ATU count! My time is quickly running out. I am daily learning to live life in the moment. And slowly but surely learning to live every moment for the Kingdom by taking advantage of every opportunity to make the name of Jesus famous. It has been a challenging but exciting journey! So, this is my recap of a wonderful Christ-filled semester that I was blessed to live out!

When she got back from Africa this summer and I knew she would be coming to Tech! (She didn't know quite yet ;o) )
2. My BFF came to TECH!! Macy has been so loyal! She has been my friend the longest and we have shared so much together--the Davidson fam, a journey to Kampala, Uganda, laughs, cries, jokes, packing for trips, a love for kids, the list could go on and on..and now we share AR TECH!! It has been so awesome to have her in Russellville! We are also both Early Childhood Education majors which makes that much more fun! She made a sacrifice to come..and probably will be in school quite a bit longer because of it! But, I am SOOO thankful. And I am excited to see what God has planned for her in Russellville the next few years! I am also excited about all the memories we have and have yet to make! Thank you, Macy, for always being there for me..good and bad..moody and all! I love you.
Geeks and Freaks
3. Zach. Oh, goodness. My cousin Zach and I are 20 days apart in age. We were super close when we were little and over the last few years I haven't seen him much and we had hardly talked. Now, I get to see him everyday if I want because God has placed him at AR Tech with me. It has been so awesome to have family with me! I can talk to him about almost anything, he cooks!, he is not too cool for his cousin, he makes a good road trip buddy, and he just might be one of my favorite people in the entire world! I love him so much and it has been so awesome to see him doing so well. He is planning on majoring in Psychology and I am excited to see where he ends up. For now, it's just nice that he is able to be such a big part of my life. Zach, thanks for putting up with me any day of the week!

5. My Vintage Fam! I spent all summer with these brothers and sisters learning more about how to be a disciple and how to make disciples. We lived together for the months of June and July and worked in Russellville or took classes at ATU. Every night Monday-Thursday we met from 7-9. Our emphasis was in Prayer, Bible Study, Evangelism, and Biblical Community. What a journey it was! I learned so much from them and from studying the Word together for a whole summer. We had the opportunity to go to Toronto in July and talk to hundreds of people from all over the world with all different backgrounds and religions. We listened to their stories and in most cases were able to share ours. The name of Jesus was spread in those few days we spent there. Now, that we were back to campus this semester we partnered up and invited our peers to join us to study the book of James this semester. It was so awesome to continue meeting with my Vintage fam every Sunday night from 7-9 to study James and prep for our own studies the next week. I don't think there was one time that I was in BasTech and didn't see atleast one of my brothers or sisters also having a one-on-one with one of their girls/guys. Such an awesome thing to know that you are not laboring alone! We want to sow broadly on the ATU campus! and i believe we have! Excited for Spring semester! God has great things in store :o)
I was blessed to live life this semester! If you are reading this, thank you for all that you are and have done for me! I love you and thank the Lord for blessing me with you in my life!
Merry Christmas!!
and a Happy New Year of following Jesus!
P.S. Mandy, get ready!! Spring 2012 is gonna be CRAZY!!!! Welcome to ATU!
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