Tuesday, December 20, 2011

For I am a Mist

James 4:14 "yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."

If there is anything that I have just begun to grasp this semester. It is James 4:14. As the days turn to weeks, the weeks to months, and the months to semesters, I am challenged to not only to make my life on this earth count, but to also make my life at ATU count! My time is quickly running out. I am daily learning to live life in the moment. And slowly but surely learning to live every moment for the Kingdom by taking advantage of every opportunity to make the name of Jesus famous. It has been a challenging but exciting journey! So, this is my recap of a wonderful Christ-filled semester that I was blessed to live out!

1. Bible Study!!! This semester I had the awesome privilege to lead a Bible Study with my partner in crime, Sara Freeman. We have nine faithful girls who meet with us every Thursday afternoon at 4pm to dig deep in God's Word. They have been nothing but HUGE blessings in my life. I am so incredibly thankful for every single one of them. Every week we share in study, but also in encouragement,  accountability, prayer, scripture memory, personal experience, etc. There girls are no doubt my sisters for life! I know that no matter how scattered we are around the world ten years from now, that I can still call em up and they will be there for me! Always ready to get on their knees in prayer with me! This semester we studied the book of James. This rocked our world. As convicting as the truth was, we were encouraged that we were not struggling alone. Through strength that comes only from Jesus and a true Biblical Community we can overcome the sin that so easily entangles us. We are excited for another semester of Bible Study with a couple new faces!

When she got back from Africa this summer and I knew she would be coming to Tech! (She didn't know quite yet ;o) )

2. My BFF came to TECH!! Macy has been so loyal! She has been my friend the longest and we have shared so much together--the Davidson fam, a journey to Kampala, Uganda, laughs, cries, jokes, packing for trips, a love for kids, the list could go on and on..and now we share AR TECH!! It has been so awesome to have her in Russellville! We are also both Early Childhood Education majors which makes that much more fun! She made a sacrifice to come..and probably will be in school quite a bit longer because of it! But, I am SOOO thankful. And I am excited to see what God has planned for her in Russellville the next few years! I am also excited about all the memories we have and have yet to make! Thank you, Macy, for always being there for me..good and bad..moody and all! I love you.

Geeks and Freaks

3. Zach. Oh, goodness. My cousin Zach and I are 20 days apart in age. We were super close when we were little and over the last few years I haven't seen him much and we had hardly talked. Now, I get to see him everyday if I want because God has placed him at AR Tech with me. It has been so awesome to have family with me! I can talk to him about almost anything, he cooks!, he is not too cool for his cousin, he makes a good road trip buddy, and he just might be one of my favorite people in the entire world! I love him so much and it has been so awesome to see him doing so well. He is planning on majoring in Psychology and I am excited to see where he ends up. For now, it's just nice that he is able to be such a big part of my life. Zach, thanks for putting up with me any day of the week!

4. My Family (mom..these are not numbered by priority! hehe promise) My family has gone through a lot of changes this past year back home in LR. It has been hard in a lot of ways..but I know and have already seen God's purpose for the changes that we are experiencing. I personally think it has brought us even closer together as a family which is just great! I am so proud of my family. They make me smile everytime I come home and they are so supportive of the decisions that I make even if it means me spending my summers somewhere other than LR. Home is ALWAYS where my family is, and that is such a refreshing feeling to come home to! I am excited to see what God has in store next for us. Mitch has been the biggest visible change. He has grown up so fast! He is finally bigger and taller than I am and from what I've heard from so many others is growing spiritually to be a man of God. I am so proud of him! Watching him play basketball is one of my favorite things to do (since age 2)! I love you--mom, dad, and bubbs! Thanks for letting me come home anytime I want! ;o)

5. My Vintage Fam! I spent all summer with these brothers and sisters learning more about how to be a disciple and how to make disciples. We lived together for the months of June and July and worked in Russellville or took classes at ATU. Every night Monday-Thursday we met from 7-9. Our emphasis was in Prayer, Bible Study, Evangelism, and Biblical Community. What a journey it was! I learned so much from them and from studying the Word together for a whole summer. We had the opportunity to go to Toronto in July and talk to hundreds of people from all over the world with all different backgrounds and religions. We listened to their stories and in most cases were able to share ours. The name of Jesus was spread in those few days we spent there. Now, that we were back to campus this semester we partnered up and invited our peers to join us to study the book of James this semester. It was so awesome to continue meeting with my Vintage fam every Sunday night from 7-9 to study James and prep for our own studies the next week. I don't think there was one time that I was in BasTech and didn't see atleast one of my brothers or sisters also having a one-on-one with one of their girls/guys. Such an awesome thing to know that you are not laboring alone! We want to sow broadly on the ATU campus! and i believe we have! Excited for Spring semester! God has great things in store :o)

I was blessed to live life this semester! If you are reading this, thank you for all that you are and have done for me! I love you and thank the Lord for blessing me with you in my life!
Merry Christmas!!
and a Happy New Year of following Jesus!

 P.S. Mandy, get ready!! Spring 2012 is gonna be CRAZY!!!! Welcome to ATU!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

God gave me you for the ups and downs

My junior year has officially began and I can't believe that I finally have my own room in an apartment with three beautiful girls that are precious :o) I finally have all my ECED classes and they are all going full force. I am very blessed to be going through the program with some awesome people that have become good friends along the way. If that isn't awesome enough already, my best friend and cousin started school at Tech this fall and it has been AWESOME seeing them on a daily basis and living life together. In addition to that as I walk across campus I get to see my Vintage family reaching this campus for Christ and it is a beautiful sight to see! I am not alone in this race that I run for my King and I have such a great Biblical Community..a Family that encourages me everyday and also challenge me daily! I am so sad that college is already halfway over...i would take back the past two years in a heart beat! I am just loving this chapter of my life and although I know Jesus has great plans ahead for me, I am really enjoying where I am at right now. I am growing and learning like crazy and I am so excited to begin an in depth study of James this semester with my brothers and sisters. It's gonna cut deep. Our goal this semester...to SOW BROADLY. May that be my challenge everyday that I am held to by the Lord and by my family and friends! I am so blessed. To God be the glory!

All to my God and King

Monday, July 4, 2011

random ramblings

It is July and I feel like summer is already over! Where has the time gone? Well, I know my time has been well spent! Vintage has been an awesome experience for me this summer. I have been blessed to be surrounded with so many new, yet precious people who have encouraged me and have become dear brothers and sisters in Christ and cool friends. I was thinking I would share some of the things I have learned..but I might have to save all that for another post because it's getting late and I honestly would have a hard time gathering my thoughts. So, Vintage. It was just last weekend that we went on our retreats. The girls were able to stay in a cabin out in the middle of nowhere thanks to a good friend. It was so good to get away from the busyness of work and life and schedules and just enjoy God's creation around us. Little did we know that the weekend would bring some trials..HA! It was jam packed with reading and listening and learning! Anyone who has ever heard David Platt or read A. W. Tozer knows exactly what I mean. As time consuming as it was..it was very much needed and I can only speak for myself, but there was a lot of spiritual growth. Aside from our time spent reading and listening there were a few humorous events- starting out with me busting it trying to jump up in my hammock when it's hung close to the creek..I "almost" slid all the way into the water! Teaching people to flip over in the hammock was pretty entertaining as well. Saturday night was beautiful night spent worshipping under the stars together, singing our little hearts out to the One who is so much  more than we can ever think or imagine! That night ended with good ole s'mores and STAR TRIPPING! ha ha now THAT was entertaining! oh and did i mention who woke us up at 5am both mornings?? a horrid bird. if you would like to hear what it sounds like..ask Emily Fretz..she does a PERFECT imitation! let's just say if we had a gun..that little bird would have been a goner! Saturday during the day we also had a blast walking up and down the creek cooling off from the HOT HOT HOT and HUMID weather and catching crawdads. Caroline and I worked together to catch what we named Big Birtha...which seemed appropriate because 5 minutes later she "birthed a" baby crawdad! Taking a shower/bath in the creek with Sara Freeman and Caitlin Dellar was quite the experience-Nothing like being desperate for cold water!
So now that we are back from the retreat we are all moved into the church. All 12 girls sleep in the same big room and we look like a girl's orphanage or something! it's pretty cute..I'm pretty sure we'll break out the Annie movie and start singing "It's a Hard-Knock Life" before the end of summer! I actually like livin life in the church much better because I get to see everyone and I just love spreading my love a little bit ha ha!
Currently, we are all on our 4th of July break and it has been so refreshing to spend some time with family and relax and not work for a few days. I have missed my family more than I ever thought I would this summer, but I am glad to have the time that I do with them.
So on Wednesday, we begin another Vintage journey when all 21 of us take off on a 24 hour drive to Toronto, Ontario in Canada! Toronto is the most diverse city in the entire world! We are divided into groups of 5 or 6 and have each been assigned a people group (Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Non-Religious). These Four people groups are the focus groups. We will be split up everyday trying to find the hot spots where the majority of these people will be and just immersing ourselves in the culture and learning as much as we can about their culture and religion while looking for opportunities to share the love of Jesus with them. It will be quite an exciting journey and I am so excited to see what God has in store for us!
Please pray for the LONG LONG LONG drive there and back. Also for Unity..on the bus ride among all of us and for each team that they would mesh well and work together. Pray for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, that we would be obedient to His leading. Pray for boldness, pray that we are genuine, and ultimately that everything we do would glorify His Great Name! Pray for sensitive and hungry hearts. Pray for willingness on our part to share and be faithful to the Calling, but also for the people that they would be willing to get to know these Christ followers and be willing to enter into a relationship with Jesus. Pray that we would present ourselves as people who care about each individual and what they have to say and share with us! the list could go on and on..your prayers are felt and very much appreciated!
Thanks to everyone who has prayed and supported me this summer! Words cannot express how thankful I am for you in my life and how much I love each and everyone of you. Your precious hearts are beautiful.
For now that's a short glimpse..and I'm excited to share more as the summer comes to an end!

i stand in awe of Jesus,

Monday, June 6, 2011


Well, It's crazy that it has been over a month since I last posted. Hopefully one day I will become a regular blogger :o)
Anyways, I have officially moved back up to Russellville for the summer for a discipleship program called Vintage. I really had no idea what to expect. I have to be honest and say this was probably one of  the most uncomfortable decisions I have made. I have found that I miss my family more than I ever thought possible, they are not just family they are dear friends so to be with them again and then leave again was not an easy thing. Also, I think this is one of the only programs/trips that I have been apart of where I have not had a close friend along for the ride as well. So although I am very excited about growing closer to my Vintage family, it has been a hard adjustment. The beginning of Vintage has been a bit of mixed emotions for me. I'm really not exactly sure why..but maybe it's because I went from relaxing and having zero responsibility to having a full blown schedule and on some days I feel like I never stop. But now that I've almost been here a full week, I am finding that bit of fresh air and have finally released this summer to Lord completely. I know God is already working in my heart and life and will continue to do so throughout this summer. I am ready to learn and grow and ultimately LOVE better than I ever have before. This is going to be a HUGE learning experience for me with everything that we will be doing this summer and the first big step for me will be tonight. Monday night meetings are concerts of prayer. Mark Palfreeman has passed the direction of those meetings to me. I know I need to work on my leadership skills and it is something that I have wanted to do for a long time now..but when someone looks at you and actually tells you what you are going to be leading..I think I kinda feel lost? But with the confidence that comes only from Jesus I have overcome that feeling of being "lost" and I am very excited to help walk my Vintage family through a night of confession and thanksgiving with the help of my two roommates. Prayer is one of the areas in my walk with Jesus that I wanted to grow most in this summer..so to be leading that is not just terrifying but also exciting because I know that God is going to teach me so much through this opportunity.
To those of you who supported me financially this summer or that have committed to pray for me and my Vintage family--thank you so much! Your prayers are felt and very much appreciated and they are already beginning to be answered. Pray for tonight that the presence of Jesus would be felt as we talk with Him. Pray that His voice would be heard and our hearts will be open and softened. Pray that our response would be exactly what it needs to be. Confession is a huge part of prayer and something that will be a wonderful beginning to our summer and times spent talking with Jesus.
Praying for you as well as you seek God's guidance in your own life this summer. Much love!
Sweetly broken and wholly surrendered,

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This is my cousin, Zach. Zach and I were born twenty days apart. He'll be turning 20 on May 10th and I'll be 20 on May 30th. It's hard to believe that we have been livin life for twenty years. I'm sure my aunt and my mom feel like it was just yesterday that we were having family get togethers and everyone was passing around the babies. ha ha good times So twenty years have passed and now, and as I reflect back to when we were kids--i just KNOW that God has blessed me with Zach as my cousin. okay, so he got me into trouble a few times..but he has also taught me a lot. Ever since we were little, Zach has been a risk taker. He is gonna do what he wants to do, and nothing you say or do will stop him. Now, we all know that THAT can get us in trouble sometimes..and I think he'll tell you that it has. But, what I have learned from him is to go after what I want and not let anything or anyone stop me.
 As I look at my life and how I have decided to follow Jesus and let His will become my will, I want just that. To be able to go after what I want (what Jesus wants for my life) with everything I have. Nothing is gonna hold me back. This attitude is such a beautiful thing in today's world..because if you look around you there are plenty of distractions and people telling you that it's not gonna work. But let me tell you something, if I serve the God who created this universe then who are they to say that what He has planned for me isn't going to work? It won't be easy, it might take some sacrifices, but if it's of the Lord..then it's RIGHT. Sure, I have no idea what my life is going to look like in a couple of years. But God does and I have found such peace in that and not only peace but such excitement because I know that if my God is for me then who can be against me?? I guess I just wanted to share the pure and simple fact that I love not being in control and that I serve a God who is painting a beautiful mural called--Taylor's life. And, all I have to do is sit back and watch Him work. Blocking out all those outside voices that are screaming at me to ask Jesus what in the world He thinks He is doing because it doesn't make sense. What I know is that it doesn't have to..cause if I could understand what God has planned for my life..then I wouldn't need Him would I? Hallelujah that I NEED Him and Hallelujah that He WANTS me!! May I become more and more everyday like a child blindfolded riding peacefully on their Daddy's shoulders because He is stronger than me and He has the best for me in mind.
Now, back to Zach. The highlight of my year? probably. He came down this past weekend to see me at Tech. I hadn't seen him in a very long time. It was so good to spend some time with him and just listen to him talk. I thank the Lord everyday for not only giving me a cousin my own age (which is a big deal..you can get bored at those family get togethers), but also giving me someone who has become my best friend. I cherish the time we do have together even though it isn't much and I love knowing that he'll be there for me always even if it is at a distance.
So all that to say-- God is good. Zach is my favorite. and...I'm excited to see what God has planned for my life!!!

i stand in awe of Jesus

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Psalm 28

"To You, O Lord, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if you be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to You for help, when I lift up my hands toward Your most holy sanctuary. Do not drag me off with the wicked, with the workers of evil, who speak peace with their neighbors while evil is in their hearts. Give to them according to their work and according to the evil of their deeds; give to them according to the work of their hands; render them their due reward. Because they do not regard the works of the Lord or the work of their hands; He will tear them down and build them up no more. Blessed be the Lord! For He has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him. The Lord is the strength of His people; He is the saving refuge of His anointed. Oh, save Your people and bless Your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever."

He wants me! He hears my plea, my surrender. My gratitude is weak.

Will I cling to the Rock? Will I surrender? Will I give up because I can't do it? Do I look for the fingerprints of God in this day? Am I looking for strength from someone or something other than God? Will I rest, trust, and believe and let Daddy carry me on His strong shoulders?

What's it gonna take to make me that desperate?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the joys of Pandora :o)

so i've been listening to Pandora a lot lately and I have the Kari Jobe station playing this week-- i fall in love with lyrics quite frequently..but some i just can't help but share! so here is In Your Arms by Meredith Andrews!

I'm turning the world off

Embracing the silence

Walking away from all the voices

That are screaming in my ear

I've been to caught up

I've been so stressed out

And all of the noise replaced the whisper

That used to be so clear

So I close every door

And put my face back on the floor

And I'm in Your arms

Where I belong

There's no other place for me

Than right where You are

Some things just don't change

When I call Your name

You never hesitate to wrap me in endless grace

When I'm in Your arms

I'm letting my fears go

Giving You control

For You are the One who holds me closer

In my soul's darkest night

Everything I see

Is so temporary

So help me to run the race before me

With eternity in sight

Now I close every door

And put my face back on the floor

And I'm in Your arms

Where I belong There's no other place for me

Than right where You are

Some things just don't change

When I call Your name

You never hesitate to wrap me up in endless grace

When I'm in Your arms

To sit at Your feet

At Your table of mercy

To gaze on Your beauty, my Lord

To drink from Your well

And be changed by Your glory

How could I ask for more?

Jesus, how could I ask for more?

Than to be in Your arms

Where I belong

There's no other place for me

Than right where You are

Some things don't change

When I call on Your name

You never hesitate to wrap me in endless grace

When I'm in Your arms

I feel like this song describes where I'm at right now. Hallelujah that God continuously wraps me in His endless grace!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

that place i hold so dear


Jesus is SO good. That phrase seems so simple, but if I were to try to describe all that Jesus is and all that He is doing...I think it'd be something like the whole world would be covered in books about a thousand feet high!! Hard to believe that I am almost finished with my sophmore year in college..I'm almost halfway. That's just CRAZY. As Summer approaches, I find that I am bubbling over with excitement for all my brothers and sisters who will be serving people all over the world and making Jesus' name famous! It excites me even more that there will daily be new members added to the Lord's family as they begin their new journey in following Jesus and learning how to become a disciple.

There are four different trips that i know of right now that are going to one of my favorite continents-AFRICA!!!! Although, I myself am not going..i feel like i am. I have spent so much time in prayer for these teams and these individuals who are preparing and for the people that they will be coming into contact with. God doesn't need them to reach these people, but He has chosen to use them and that is just such a crazy awesome thing. My new friend and brother in Christ, Thomas Fancher is going to South Africa with the Chi Alpha college ministry through UCA. I don't know a lot of details of what they will be doing or exactly where they will be or who they are working with..but God does, and I'm excited that there is a team carrying His name to those people. Then there's my family of brothers and sisters going to Kampala, Uganda through TeensServe. What an awesome ministry that I have had the privledge of being apart of! I am so excited for those who are returning and those who have never been before. They are going to be spending precious time with orphans and widows in the slums of the capital city. My prayer for them is that they will have such unity and guidance from the Lord as the interact with each person! And then another new friend of mine and sister in Christ, Taylor Bramlett, is going to Kampala as well through a ministry that a friend of hers has started. They will be doing a lot of the same stuff as TeensServe I imagine and how cool that these two teams will be in that city at the same time--covering more ground and showing that city the love of Jesus and what it looks like to follow Him and be recklessly abandoned!

These trips have been so much on my heart today, especially, but more and more as summer draws near! I want to know what my brothers and sisters are doing to build the Kingdom this summer! please tell where you will be and what you will be doing so i can join in prayer for you and your ministry!

For those who don't know-- my ministry this summer is VINTAGE. Vintage is a discipleship program that i have the opportunity to be apart of through First Baptist Church in Russellville. I will be spending the majority of my summer May 31st-July 28th living in Russellville and learning and growing with a team of believers. We will be focusing on these areas: Evangelism training, Prayer, Small Group Bible Study, Inductive Bible Study training, large group teaching sessions, and focus trips. This program is all about learning how to be a better disciple and how to disciple others! I am really excited to learn and grow and be even more prepared to make Jesus famous on the ATU campus. Another awesome part of Vintage is the opportunity to serve in Toronto, Canada. Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the entire world and almost every religion is represented there. The Toronto Trip is July 6th- July 13th. This trip will be an awesome opportunity to experience different cultures and learn about different religions and will also be a way to put into practice what we have learned to reach different people groups there!

Please be praying for the group of 21 students who will be doing Vintage this summer! We are extremely ready to get going and we're looking forward to seeing God move in some big ways. :o)

All to my God and King
