Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the Holy Spirit

Lately, I've been learning a lot about the Holy Spirit. I've started reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan (which i think EVERYONE should read btw) and I've began another more in depth personal study of the book of Acts. Although, I think that I'm convicted every day when reading the Word..I have to say that even though I have JUST begun my study that I have been EXTREMELY convicted. I have lived life underestimating the power of the Holy Spirit. I think I have actually not even really realized or come to begin to understand that the Holy Spirit IS GOD. I have the power of THE Holy Spirit living in me!!!! That is CRAZY. Sadly, I can honestly say that I don't live like it. Why do I doubt the power of the Holy Spirit to work in me and through me? or should the real question be...WHY WOULD I EVER DOUBT THE HOLY SPIRIT? It saddens my heart to see that the world has fallen so far from when the Holy Spirit was first poured into the disciples soon after Jesus ascended (Acts 2). They were filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit which enabled them to speak in other tongues so that EVERYONE could listen and COME to know that Jesus IS Lord in their OWN LANGUAGE!!!..this got me thinking..if the Holy Spirit enables the disciples to speak in every tongue to spread His Word..then won't He most definitely give us the EXACT words we need to share the gospel to the people all around us? on our school campuses? work places? Why are we so timid about sharing the most beautiful promise in life? That's our purpose!!! That's MY purpose. That is the only reason I should be living. So I long to start living like it.

standing in awe of Jesus,